Sunday, 27 October 2013

October/November 2013

            Fall is here and October and November are busy months in our Kindergarten class. Our focus has been the fall season.  What a wonderful time to learn about colours, leaves and pumpkins.  We are so blessed.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the Kindergarten class made a Thankful Tree. Students wrote about something for which they were thankful.  We wrote such wonderful things to God.
On Thursday, October 31st, St. George School is having orange and black day. It is also our big Dance-a-thon fundraiser. Please dress your child in orange and/or black on this day.  We would like to send a big ‘THANK YOU’ to parents who have returned the dance-a-thon money. It was due on October 24th. Once all participants submit moneys collected, the final amount raised will be calculated.
In November, we will be talking about Remembrance Day and practicing our letter writing by writing postcards to our Canadian war veterans. We will also be participating in the Remembrance Day Ceremony at school. During the second week of November, poppies will be sold to support the veterans of Canada.  If you wish your child to purchase one, simply send in a small donation.

Every day, we choose a special student who is the leader/ami special for the day. We use the letters in the child’s name to help with letter recognition. Thank you to those parents who have been helping their child with the writing of his/her name.  The students are so proud when they can write their name independently.  In addition to writing their name, JK students are being asked to say the letters in their name.  Some could benefit from additional practice at home.  Have your child read the letters to you, once they’ve printed them.  Touching each letter as they do so would help to encourage this skill.  All children should be writing their name using ONLY lowercase letters except for the first letter (for example: Johnny). Something to challenge the SKs is to practice the writing of their last name or writing the names of other family members. They enjoy writing their friends names here at school using a name card as a guide.

Many students have been wearing their author’s hat and have created many individual books.  With support, those who have letter sound knowledge are encouraged to ‘stretch out’ the sounds in the word they wish to write.  This helps to find the letters needed.  This is something for parents to be aware of for we’re sure this enthusiasm spills over into the evening hours.

In French, we have been saying “Bonjour, je m’appelle…”. We have been counting to 20 and talking about school, friends, our house, our family, Thanksgiving, fall leaves, clothes and parts of the body. Please review the attached songs and vocabulary words with your child at home as often as you can. You may also want to check out our songs we love section. We have added videos that the students love to watch in class: Alain le lait (nombres 1-20, alphabet, les couleurs, les parties du corps) as well as “Pomme de reinette et pomme d’api”, “La vie en couleurs”, et “Les roues de l’autobus”.

In Math, we have been graphing, measuring and counting. We have sorted and graphed different shapes of leaves and measured pumpkins. We’ve even used pumpkins to find out how tall we are.  Ask your child how many pumpkins tall he/she is!   At home, you can practice sorting and graphing. For example, sort the laundry. Sort out different laundry items from the laundry basket (socks, shirts, pants). Count the items to see if there are more coloured socks than white socks; more shirts than pants. Show it on a graph! November will have more focus placed on number sense and numeration: the JKs will be doing activities to help with counting and showing sets to 5 along with numeral recognition.  With the SKs, the number focus will be on numbers between 10 and 20.  Please keep in mind that any and all strands of math occur on any given day in a play based learning environment!

It has come to our attention that some parents would like to see their child resting on something other than a blanket during quiet time.  If you wish to send in a yoga mat, for your child’s use only, simply bring one with you during your parent teacher interview on November 7th.  More information about parent teacher interviews will follow.
The weather is getting colder and so, the students have more articles of clothing.  Labeled items are easily returned to students when they get misplaced.  We ask that you continue to support your child in getting dressed (zipping zippers and buttoning buttons AND getting shoes on independently).  Very soon, children who can zip their own zipper will become part of our Zipper Club.  We know it isn’t always easy, especially when you’re in a rush, but your effort now will save time later. Please save the laces for grade one when students’ fine motor skills are much more developed.  The ratio of teacher to student does not support the use of laces in kindergarten.  It really delays the flow to our next transition. 

  1. Please ensure that all of your child’s belongings (coats, sweaters, hat, mitts…) are labeled with his/her name. 
  2. Please help your child practice putting his/her coat on independently. Winter wear is often much more difficult to get on and do up than light spring/fall jackets. Please take the time to show him/her how to reverse a sleeve that has turned inside out. Something to keep in mind… Scarves are very difficult for young children to put on in a safe manner.  Serious injuries have occurred involving young students wearing scarves on a bus or play structure.
  3. Please ensure that your child sends his/her note tote to school every day.
  4. Please continue to send a water bottle with your child.  Water is such a great choice for replenishing fluids in any temperature.
  5. To avoid frustration, Velcro shoes are HIGHLY recommended for both indoor and outdoor use! Curly laces are available at all Payless and Walmart stores if purchasing Velcro shoes is not an option.
We appreciate the support you are providing at home!  Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact one of us any time before or after school.

Mrs. Gratwohl
Mme Dolgos
Mrs. McDonell
Mrs. McAteer

Friday, 25 October 2013

Welcome to the K1 Kindergarten class blog! 

Madame Dolgos, is the French teacher, Mrs Gratwohl, is the English teacher and Mrs McAteer, is the Early Childhood Educator.
We invite you to view the blog every week or so to get news and information about your child's class; what we are working on and pictures of our work. You will also find our monthly news letter on the blog.
We will add songs and books that we love and links to video clips we watch in class.