Dramatic play

Here are a few things your child is learning when "playing" in our house centre

Dramatic play 

Leadership and organizational skills
Co-ordination (fine and gross motor)
Experience with role playing
Opportunity to read and record information (grocery lists, menus, labels, recipes,)
Imagination and creativity
Oral language development
Planning and decision making
Expression of feelings
Classification, organization, matching, estimating and sorting (ex. Dishes, food, clothing)

The class decided they wanted to turn our house centre into a restaurant. First we talked about what we need to create a restaurant (A sign, food, dishes, table, chairs, menus, paper and pencils to take orders, money etc). What roles there are in a restaurant (waiter/waitress, cook, customers etc). Then we voted on what we wanted to name the restaurant. The majority voted The Boys and Girls Restaurant. So off they went to make a welcome sign and menus.

Unfortunately, we don't have many pictures of the children in the restaurant for privacy reasons but they sure did have some fun!

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