Beads! (or as the children call them "melty beads"

We brought out our melty beads last week. The children enjoyed making shapes and other designs with the beads. It is really great for their fine motor development. 

Take a look at some of the children in action:

The duck mats and marbles

We introduced a new activity that looks easier than it really is! The children had to pick up the marbles one by one with the tweezers and place them in number order on the duck mat.

Here they are in action:

Using scissors or hole punches  

These activities help strengthen their hand muscles and develop their pincer grasp which allows them to properly hold a pencil with strength.

After unwrapping our new light panel. We put the bubble wrap out as an activity. Who doesn't love to pop those tiny air bubbles! It is also great for fine motor skills!

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