Thursday, 29 May 2014

Hello parents,

As part of the curriculum, we must practice and present a dance. The class voted on the Gummy Bear song. Please try to practice dancing to this song at home so that your child will be ready to present it in 2 weeks to the other Kindergarten classes. 
Thank you for your cooperation!

Monday, 26 May 2014

Kindergarten Newsletter May/June 2014

Kindergarten Newsletter May/June 2014

We can’t believe that June is almost here! Our students have come a long way, and learned many new things this year, thanks in part to your continued support.
The tomato plants we planted are growing well.  First there were roots, then the stem and finally leaves.  They are getting bigger now and we will be sending our results to the Tomatosphere Project and find out if the seeds that grew the best were from space!

We also received Painted Lady caterpillars and were able to observe the life cycle as the caterpillars got bigger and then formed a chrysalis.  After about 7 to 10 days, beautiful butterflies came out of the chrysalises and we were able to set them free!

In French we will be practising a play called “Mistigris”.  The words are posted in the vocabulaire section of the Blog. Please practice it at home with your child so he/she is able to say all the parts fluently.

Dates to remember:
Tuesday May 27th: Used books sale: You may bring in used books until Monday May 26th and on Tuesday May 27th, students may purchase books for 0.50$ each.  So make sure your child doesn’t forget his/her money!
Tuesday June 3rd: K3 and the jk's from K1 will go to the Ottawa Gymnastic Club (12:00-2:00), please complete and sign the permission form and indicate if you can come and help (we will need a few parent volunteers)
Wednesday June 4th: Last day to order French Scholastic Books
Thursday June 5th: Family Dance at 7:00 pm
Friday June 6th: P.D. Day (No school for the students)
Tuesday June 10th: K2 and the sk's from K1 will go to the Ottawa Gymnastic Club (12:00-2:00) ), please complete and sign the permission form and indicate if you can come and help (we will need a few parent volunteers)
Thursday June 19th: Scientists in School will be in with K2 (AM) and K3 (PM).  Please complete the volunteer form if you are able to come and help.
Friday June 20th: Scientists in School will be in with K1 (AM). Please complete the volunteer form if you are able to come and help.
Monday June 23rd: School Play Day (if raining it will be on Tuesday June 24th)
Thursday June 26th: End of year mass (SKs will walk to St. George Church for the 10:00 am mass)
Friday June 27th: Last day of school! During the summer months, continue to read to your child.  Have them point out familiar words (like “and”, “the”, “he”, “she”, “was”, etc.) in the story.  Have your child predict what will happen next, or have them “tell” the story by “reading” the pictures.  Play rhyming games or sing nursery rhymes together! RAZ kids will continue to be available until the end of August!  So please take advantage of it. Children can count, sort, and classify things like shells, rocks and sticks they find.  They can add and take away objects, or count how many umbrellas there are on the beach.  Dreambox will also be available for use until the end of August.  Keep things light and fun, and your child will be eager to learn again in September!

Housekeeping items:
Hat and sunscreen:  We’ll be taking advantage of this beautiful weather after having been cooped up all winter.  Please send a hat, water bottle, and apply sunscreen before your child leaves for school in the morning.
Water bottle:  very important and brought daily, especially as the temperature rises!  If you don’t have one, send in a plastic cup labelled with your child’s name – to go home daily.
 Report cards:  will be sent home the last week of June.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very safe and fun-filled summer.  It was our pleasure to be part of your child’s learning this year!  

God bless,

The Kindergarten Team

Used book sale

The used book sale will be tomorrow. You can send a loonie or a toonie in your child's note tote and they can purchase a few books.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

May 6th book fair

The scholastic book fair will be on Tuesday May 6th. If your child is participating please send in money in a ziplock bag labelled with their name. Thank you!