Tuesday, 23 September 2014


Welcome to the K2 Kindergarten class blog. We are settled into our routines. Our Sk's have been great leaders for our new Jk's. Everyone seems to be enjoying the new school year, getting to know each other and exploring all the learning centres. The class voted on a class name. We are The Beautiful Butterflies!

We welcome Mrs McGuinty to our class. The children get to spend Mondays, Wednesdays and alternate Fridays speaking and learning in French with Mme Dolgos and Tuesdays, Thursdays and alternate Fridays speaking and learning in English with Mrs McGuinty. The children spend every day with me, Mrs McAteer, the Early Childhood Educator. We also welcome Mrs Leduc who is the Educational Assistant with us every morning. 

The class has already done many fun activities. We worked on self-portraits. We created our alphabet using various found materials. We are doing various activities to practice our names ie: using magnet letters, coloured transparent letters on the light table, writing our names in shaving cream. We are working on a class book about us. We received a few Monarch caterpillars and 1 chrysalis. Our Chrysalis has already turned into a beautiful Monarch butterfly which we set free last Friday.

Here is our flow of the day: 

8:55-9:20 Outdoor play while children arrive
9:25 Enter school and settle in
9:35 Carpet time: O Canada, Prayer, pick a leader, calendar, lesson 
950 Learning centres and snack, small group lessons
11:00 Tidy up and sharing time
11:30 Recess
12:10 Enter school and settle in for lunch
12:20- 12:50 Lunch, washrooms
1:00- 1:30 Quiet time. Relaxing music plays and lights are off. Children can look at a book quietly
1:35 Carpet time, lesson
1:50 Learning centres and snack, small group lessons
3:00 Tidy up, sharing time and getting ready for home, outdoor play if time permits
3:30 Dismissal

We have gym on Tuesday for 35 mins. We also have many opportunities to do physical activities in class. We enjoys Just dance routines from You tube! We will start yoga again soon. 
We will start taking out books from the school library (learning commons) as soon as it is set up and running. We will visit bi-weekly on Fridays. 

Please remember to subscribe to the blog to receive all updates and news letters and follow us on Twitter as this is our #1 way to share daily activities with families.                 

Looking forward to an exciting school year!