In Math, the children will be learning about patterning. Seeing patterns involves recognizing repeating parts, predicting what comes next, and extending a pattern. Some things you can do at home is look for patterns with your child (for example: on bedspreads, curtains, rugs, wallpaper, clothing, tiles). You could use common household objects like buttons, paper clips, and toy cars to make patterns with your child.
Thank you to the families who have sent in pictures for our family tree. If you have not sent in your picture, please do so as soon as possible as the children are so proud and happy to have them.
Please remember to send your child to school in appropriate clothing for play and for the weather. Fall is a tricky time of year where it is chilly in the morning and warm by the afternoon and students are sometimes uncomfortable by being too cold or too warm.Dressing in layers such as sweaters that can easily be removed may help.
Important Dates for October:
10th: PD day (no school)
13th: Thanksgiving Monday Holiday
31st: Halloween! Wear orange and black to school (no costumes)
Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser
Happy Birthday in October to:
Addison: 5th
Colleen: 28th
Eve: 31st
We are looking forward to seeing what the month of October will bring to our classroom.
Mrs. McGuinty, Mme Dolgos, Mrs. McAteer, Mrs. Leduc