In French class we have been singing the French version of the Old MacDonald song (check to watch the video!)
Monday, 8 June 2015
Thursday, 4 June 2015
K2 June
On Monday
June 8th, the St. George Kindergarten students will be going to
the Agriculture and Food Museum. Please return the signed permission form
to school and pay the 9$ fee on line at if
you have not done so already. Also, please
make sure your child is at school at 9:10
that morning so we can do attendance, divide into groups, go to the washroom
and be ready to leave by bus at 9:30! We
will be eating our lunches at the museum so your child must have a lunch that is easy to eat outside. If necessary, please put sunscreen on your
child before school and make sure he/she is wearing active-wear clothing, appropriate for the weather, and has a water bottle with his/her name on
it. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered
to help!
June is definitely a busy time of year!!
Thursday June 4th: deadline for French
Scholastic Books
Thursday June 4th: deadline for returning library
Friday June 5th: PD Day
Monday June 8th: deadline for English
Scholastic Books
Monday June 8th : Field Trip to the Agriculture
and Food Museum
Friday June 12th: deadline for
submitting lootbags
Monday June 15th: Playday at school
(children must wear active-wear )
Tuesday June 16th: Spring Carnival BBQ (5-7pm)
Tuesday June 23rd: Mass at the church
(SK- Grade 6)
Tuesday June 23rd: Report Cards go home
Thursday June 25th: Last day of school!
In French, we have been working on a play called
“Mistigris”. The words are posted on the
blog if you want to practise at home. We have also been learning some dances
and the K1 class will be performing the Gummy Bear dance to the K2 class who
will, in turn, present the Jump Up dance.
You can watch these videos at “Just dance for Kindergarten” on You Tube.
During the summer months, continue to read to your
child. Have them point out familiar
words (like “and”, “the”, “he”, “she”, “was”, etc.) in the story. Have your child predict what will happen
next, or have them “tell” the story by “reading” the pictures. Children can count, sort, and classify things
like shells, rocks and sticks they find.
They can add and take away objects, or count how many umbrellas there
are on the beach. Keep things light and
fun, and your child will be eager to learn again in September!
Thank you very much for your support this
year! We wish you all a good summer!
Mrs. Miller, Mme Dolgos, Mrs. McAteer
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Here is the dance the K2 class will perform tomorrow for the K1 class.
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