Saturday 29 March 2014

 Les plantes!

We have been doing many experiments with plants. Mme Dolgos brought in a plant. We asked the class if they knew what a plant needs to grow. We asked them what we should do with each plant to see which will grow best. 

1-We placed one plant in a cupboard (no sun) with soil and water. (terre et eau)

2-We placed one plant in a container of water only and in the sunlight. (eau et soleil)

3-We placed one plant in soil with sunlight but no water. (terre et soleil)

4- We placed one plant in a container with no water, no soil, just sunlight. (soleil)

5-We placed one plant in soil with water and sunlight. (terre, eau et soleil)

The children examined the plants and drew their observations.

Mrs McAteer brought in the bottom part of a celery. (le celerie) We put it in water. After only a few days look at what we discovered.

Our celery started to grow! Look at the middle part.

 This is our celery after 3 weeks.

Next we planted the celery in some soil.

We also placed an onion (un oignon) in a mason jar filled with water.

After a few days, it started to grow roots!


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